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Enter the town of Merryfoo!

Welcome to the town of Merryfoo, when Merryfoo gets busy, we'll have to build a new town!
Join the chat of Merryfoo! What have you got to say to this: 

Have you got what it takes to defeat chickens twin sister?


  1. The pink cactus on the corner of Gratish and Devilthorn Roads has taken a turn for the worse. Several grafitti artists camped around the pot plant and sprayed the roots blue. The iconic plant of Merryfoo is starting to bloom blue flowers, which according to prophecy announces the doom of Merryfoo's neighbouring city, Cowdungus. Ironically, Cowdungus is the home city of Chicken's evil twin sister.

  2. Oh! What dung in the face of the moo-cow of Cowdungus! I've heard that even a hedgehog with the name 'starshine of hippocats' couldnt take such a stand against the evil twin of sister chicken. But it was only once she received a desktop notification that she flipped her fiddle!

  3. But no one is a real fan of chicken's sister. She was kicked out of Merryfoo because her crazy views on the theory of fallen trees. When she made her way over to Cowdungus, they weren't happy with her being there but they made an exception. Since then, however, she has made a continuous nuisance of herself. She's the biggest fan of the Grinch. She's currently saving up to go to Whoville for a holiday.

  4. OH OH!!!! I just heard that there's rabid ant on Cancker Ave. I'm heading over for a look-see!! Coming? I'll bring the peppermint fanta

  5. Maybe if she invested in some chicken mumple dumps instead of cold steamy stew- of which the bit that was left would be enough for, not two, but twenty-five giraffe legged soup beans. Damn Chicken.And who ever said that her fiery heart would not break down the doors of the silent palace. Who I ask?

  6. Yes peppermint fanta. And don't forget the iced-frog legs. The same legs the french pigs of Wobble Stone used to pierce the Mexican man who ate chicken's brother without any seasoning? Can you believe it.. NO SEASONING! Oh what a quarrelsome thought which hath provoked my mind...
